BBB would like to offer you training sessions to become a certified road captain, trainer or coach. Those training sessions are organised by ADEPS and/or FCWB.
Animateur Sportif
This is the shortest way to get a FCWB-only diploma through the “animateur sportif sessions”.
In case you’re interested to register in such a program, let us know!
Initiateur, Éducateur, Entraîneur
This training is organised by ADEPS and FCWB and will teach you how to welcome new cyclists to our sport, manage a group, give first aid and all the other skills needed in order to initiate, educate or coach cyclists.

BBB aims for excellence in initiation of new cyclists, as well as managing groups of cyclists and accompanying performance oriented cyclists. To fulfill these missions we rely on experienced cyclists to captain our different group and training rides. As well as a quality label for our club, certified trainers are part of our obligations towards our subsidiary bodies.
We can best initiate new cyclists to the sport, manage group rides and accompany performance cyclists if some of our road captains are specifically trained for the job. As such BBB would like to offer to any motivated road captain to follow the FCWB training to become one of “Moniteur Sportif Initiateur”, “Moniteur Sportif Educateur” or “Moniteur Sportif Entraîneur”. These different qualifications are of increasing specialisation. It is BBB’s vision to have a broad pool of road captains with the qualification of Moniteur Sportif Initiateur. Some of these will specialise as Educateur and a select few will further specialize in Entraineur. These degrees are successive and require the previous title to advance to the next level.
To start, we would like to train as many of our road captains as Moniteur Sportif Initiateur. They are trained to manage group rides, introduce new cyclists to our sport and convert occasional riders to regular, autonomous riders. Those interested can then become Educateur (teach the basics of performance cycling) and some will then become Entraineur (Consolidate and optimise training for performance cyclists).
The Moniteur Sportif Initiateur training consists of three parts:
- The ADEPS “Cours Généraux” du moniteur sportif initiateur (online module)
- The FCWB Formation spécifique au cyclisme
- First aids in sports
Practical Information
💰 How much does it cost?
It is free for you! BBB covers all the training costs
📆 When does it start?
- Now! You can take the “Cours Généraux” anytime you like.
Once you start you must finish it in max. 3 month. - La “Formation spécifique” au cyclisme is organised once or twice a year. Make sure you have completed les “Cours généraux” before you register to this “Formation spécifique” !
- First aid in sports is organised once a month. You can take it whenever you want during your training.
⏳ How much time does it require?
The complete training is estimated to take 78h including the online modules, study time, practical courses and exercises.
📑 In what language are courses dispensed?
Courses are organised by ADEPS and the FCWB. They are given in French. BBB is open to other cycling trainers qualifications given by different federations. If you would like to take part in courses taught in another language, get in touch.
👉 More info:
- FCWB course overview:
- First aids training:
- Cours generaux:
- FCWB course details:
📸 Zac Garcia / Nico Brookes