You can either join our recreational section or BBB Racing. In any case, you must both register with BBB and get a licence. 


Due to strict insurance requirements, our activities are only for fully-fledged members of the Brussels Big Brackets Cycling Club. Members must both pay an annual BBB membership fee and get a licence from Wallonie-Bruxelles Cycling or Cycling Vlaanderen.

For more info, check-out the FAQ section of this page.
Do not forget that some benefits come with your membership as well. 
Finally, do not forget to check-out the section dedicated to insurance and road-assistance. 



New members can register only during our yearly registration periode (see our registration shedule). In the meantime, please register on our waiting list. You’ll get an email as soon as we open up new opportunities to join BBB Cycling Club.


We might provide test rides during the season. In this case, you’ll have to register first through a form that will be linked here. You’ll have to guarantee us you have got your own personal insurance (Responsabilité Civile). 
Unfortunately, it’s strictly impossible to join our rides if you’re not a fullyfledged BBB member or if you are not registered  for an official test-ride.


Provisional price list for 2024.
New members: purchasing a BBB member is compulsory (only for 1st time registration – order included in the registration process).

Do not forget your Belgian “mutuelle” might refund you up to 50€ for your registration.


We register you with Wallonie-Bruxelles Cycling, but you’ll have to download your digital licence by yourself.
To download it, you’ll have to connect to your personal MyFCWB account with the email address you gave us for your registration. For more info, checkout the online Wallonie-Bruxelles Cycling video tutorial.

You’ll have to go through  Cycling Vlaanderen online registration process by yourself.
For privacy reasons, you have to create your own personal-space on Cycling Vlaanderen website and to register yourself there. Do not forget to send us your licence number and to pay for your BBB membership as well.

You’ll get your digital Cycling Vlaanderen licence after your registration.


(1) In any case, complete your BBB membership

(2) You must get a license with any of the following federations,
according to your preference: 

You want a Wallonie-Bruxelles Cycling licence? We’ll take care of your licence.
You want a Cycling Vlaanderen? Register by yourself with Cycling Vlaanderen on Cycling Vlaanderen website

We used to propose licences provided by FFBC (Fédération Francophone belge de Cyclotourisme) and VWB (Vlaamse Wielrijdersbond), but we do not propose it anymore. Should you want to keep your licence at FFBC or VWB, feel free to get it directly from the federation and to join BBB as a “member with external licence”.

You might drop an eye to the federations’ websites to check-out the differences between insurances, assistance or events programs provided. Cycling Vlaanderen is a Dutch speaking federation, FCWB is a French speaking federation.

Checkout this summary about what’s in with your membership and your licence as well.

You may check-out our summary about insurance and road-assistance provided by your licence as well.
You may checkout the phone-numbers you can use should you need any assistance or should you call your insurance company as well.

While registering on BBB’s website for a leisure membership, you might note that there is a price difference between Wallonie-Bruxelles Cycling and Cycling Vlaanderen registration. This is due to the fact that:

  • Cycling Vlaanderen: you have to sort out your licence directly with the federation
    = you only pay your BBB membership during the BBB’s registration process
    = you’ll have to register by yourself and pay for your licence directly on Cycling Vlaanderen’s website
  • Wallonie-Bruxelles Cycling : BBB’s team takes care of your registration with Wallonie-Bruxelles Cycling
    = you pay both for BBB membership + licence during the BBB’s registration process 

(1) Joining with a competition licence:
If you want to join BBB Racing with a competition license you need to get an Elite 3 or Master licence by FCWB – we’ll take care of the registration process with FCWB after we’ll get all the information we need from you.
Just go completely through the registration process, and do not forget to send us all the info we need for FCWB registration, including your medical certificate.

(2) Joining with a recreational licence:
If you want to join BBB Racing with a recreational licence you will be able to participate in trainings organised by the performance section but you will not have the required paperwork to participate in races (some races do allow for a one-day license).
You should fill in the BBB registration form and check the BBB Racing option along with a recreational license of  your choice. We suggest all riders participating in high intensity trainings organised by BBB Racing to do a cardio-respiratory checkup on a yearly basis.

👉  Should you need any further information, feel free to contact us by email:

The 2 federations we are affiliated with propose special prices for family licences. 
For a family licence, we ask you to register directly with the federation. You can mention BBB as your club while registering. 

What’s the price for a family licence? 

  • FCWB: 35€ for the whole family
  • Cycling Vlaanderen: 35€ for the whole family
Where can I register?
Do not forget you’ll have to pay afterwards one BBB membership for each family member who rides with BBB on a regular basis. In this case, just register with BBB as « external », mentioning your federation ID during the registration process. 

No problem, don’t change a thing.
We offer you a special-membership to let you run with us whenever you like. 

You just have:

  1. to get your special BBB “external” membership (see above)
  2. no to forget to fil-in your federation and licence number during the BBB membership registration process

👉  Should you need any further information, feel free to contact us by email:

While following the registration or renewal process, you’ll be asked to choose between 2 cycling federations, FCWB or Cycling Vlaanderen. We do not propose licences issued by VWB or FFBC anymore.
Should you want to keep your licence at FFBC or VWB, feel free to get it directly from the federation and to join BBB as a “member with external licence”.

You can tell us you won’t renew through this form.
In case you want to, do not hesitate to share with us the reasons why you leave (message area available in the form).



You’ll find here all the BBB Policies (better known as Ride Etiquette) every member should be aware of before joining for a ride. Do not forget that all requirements of our Règlement d’Ordre Intérieur (ROI) are always applicable as well.

When riding with the club you are representing the club. Please consider this with your behaviour at all times.

Before riding together

  • Registering in Strava for participation in a BBB organised ride is compulsory
  • Look to the Equipment Policy (see below) to ensure you’re ready for your ride

When riding together
All requirements of the Safety Policy apply (see below)

  • Be present in due time at official departure point for RC briefing
  • When allowed, we ride in pairs in two parallel lines or in single file, depending on road conditions
  • Stay in position, do not make sudden changes to your speed or position
  • When riding two abreast, constantly riding half a wheel in front of your partner in order to push the pace is considered bad form
  • Never pass on the inside (right side of the group)
  • Never leave a rider behind
  • Support people who have flat tires or other mechanical issues
  • Be aware of riders that are off the back or caught at lights – slow or stop to let them rejoin

Pacing the ride
A steady ride-group is not a race-group 🙂 Riding together is all about friendship and conviviality. As cyclists, we sometimes like the effort and the challenge as well! You’ll find hereafter a few rules about how and when it’s safe and appropriate to challenge each other.

Flat sections

  • Constant speed
  • Attacks (aka sudden change of pace to over take the group and road captain) NOT allowed
  • Collaboration mode
  • We fight the wind together (strongest riders rotate in front)

Cobbled and hilly sections 

  • Attacks allowed if and when the road captain allows it
  • Mandatory stop in a safe location at the top of the hill or at the end of the cobbled section

Downhill (or dangerous) sections

  • Attacks NOT allowed

Road Captains are responsible for the ride. You’ll need to follow the Road Captain’s instructions at all times. Failing to adhere to the above rules may expose you to receive a verbal and potentially a written warning and even lead to a cancellation of your membership.

Welcome to the BBB bunch!
BBB organises recreational rides adapted to everybody. We are a large, growing club, regularly welcoming new riders. All riders should be tolerant, responsible and willing to help others within the group in a friendly manner. You’ll find here some basic rules of group riding that everyone should be aware of when riding in a group. Enjoy a safe ride!


When riding in a peloton, everyone is responsible for the safety of the group. We hope that this guide will assist in promoting safe riding and increase your enjoyment during the ride with the aim of getting everyone back home in one piece.

  • Road Captains are responsible for the ride. You’ll need to follow all the Road Captain instructions
  • Wearing a helmet is compulsory
  • Ensure you ride with lights when required
  • Ensure your bike is in good working condition
  • Abide by the road rules
  • When riding in a peloton on open roads we need all members to fully respect Highway Code
  • Always respect trafic lights, trafic signs and priorities
  • Don’t take a smartphone in our hands while riding (We enjoy pictures and videos taken either when we stop or with an action cam)
  • Ride in single or double line
  • Allow incoming and rear traffic to pass/overtake the group as/when needed
  • Compulsory use of cycle paths if less than 15 riders.
    If more than 15 riders, Cycle paths are not mandatory (Road Captain’s decision)
  • Anticipate lane changes and usage of cycle paths
  • Communicate in the group. Call out hazards
  • Communicate clearly ! Shout loud, using words such as “pas op”, “attention”, “watch out”…whatever the language 

Failing to adhere to the above rules may expose you to receive a verbal and/or a written warning and even lead to a cancellation of your membership.

You are part of a cycling club, ride as such: wear your club kit!
Weather permitting, we expect every member to wear the BBB kit.
Outfits from other bike clubs should NOT be used. The Road Captain may decline your participation.

(1) While riding, all participants should bring:

  • Their id card and Official Federation/UCI Licence card
  • A mobile phone in a waterproof pouch
  • Money or bank card to buy food/drinks at cafe/shop stops,… and to pay any unforeseen costs (Taxi,…)

(2) We are a cycling club proposing road and gravel rides.
Your bike should look like:

  • A road or a gravel bike with appropriate tires: regular tires during summer time and all seasons tires when needed (namely winter time)
  • Participation to a ride with any other type of bike (City bike, mountain bike, e-bike,…) is subject to the approval of the Road Captain in charge of the ride
  • Clipless pedals are recommended
  • Ensure your bike is in good working condition
  • Bring at least one (ideally two) spare inner tube(s), sealant for tubeless tyres, a mini-pump or CO2 cartridges, some tools for usual adjustments (tire levers, multi tool including chain tool,…)
  • Ensure you ride with lights when required
  • While not mandatory, we strongly advise the usage of a bike GPS. Regular BBB riders must have and use a GPS with the GPX used for the ride they participate in.

Please note that bikes equipped with aerobars are NOT allowed during club rides.

(3) Food and Hydration
Remember to take the necessary food and hydration: energy bars, compotes, gels, fruits,… and at least one (ideally two) bottles with water and/or energy drink

(4) Clothing

  • Wearing a helmet is compulsory
  • Technical (padded) shorts and clothing, without wind resistance and suitable for the weather are absolutely necessary
  • Cycling gloves are also recommended (your hands will thank you if you happen to have a fall!)
  • Sun glasses

If your equipment is not in line with above requirements, the Road Captain may decide to decline your participation on the ride.


Your licence-number is a thing to keep close at hand when riding.


Your licence provides you with a technical assistance, that can be useful in case of technical problem during a club-organised ride, or even during a personal ride.

Wallonie-Bruxelles Cycling

+32 (0)2 286 34 61

Cycling Vlaanderen

+32 (0)3 253 61 82


In case of accident, we suggest you to call your insurance as soon as possible to declare what happened and be covered.

Wallonie-Bruxelles Cycling

+32 (0)2 349 19 28

Cycling Vlaanderen

+32 (0)3 218 32 10


Did you know that your Belgian “mutuelle” (health insurance) might annually refund you for: 

  • up to 50€ for your registration (licence + club membership)
  • up to 10€ for a medical check-up (for competition licence)
  • up to 30€ for your participation into some sport-event

Those amounts are based on a “Partena registration”. Check it directly with your own personal health-insurance!

👉 Should you need any kind of stamp or signature on a document you’ll have to fill-in, please feel free to contact us

You get a personal insurance with your licence. Please bear in mind the fact that you have to personally check-out that all this information is up-to-date! 

Wallonie-Bruxelles Cycling and Cycling Vlaanderen provide an insurance that includes:

  • legal aid
  • civil liability
  • personal injury insurance
  • death insurance
  • disability insurance
  • teeth insurance

Should you need any further information, please contact the Federation you’re affiliated with:

Damage to your own bike (caused by yourself) is not covered. Damage to your own equipment like wheels, clothes, helmet, gps etc is not covered by any of the Federations’ insurance.

Should you want to protect you or your bike, or just to get advices about insurances in general, do not hesitate to contact our sponsor, member and friend Mathieu Losseau (BCA Assurances).

Cycling Vlaanderen and Wallonie-Bruxelles Cycling provide you with a technical assistance, that can be useful in case of technical problem during a club-organised ride, or even during a personal ride.

Should you nee any assistance during a bike-ride, please contact:

  • Wallonie-Bruxelles Cycling: Touring Business Solutions (TBS) + 32 (0)2 286 34 61
    – assistance dépannage pour vous et votre vélo : 24 h./24, 7 j./7 par du personnel spécialement formé
    – couverture en Belgique + 50km au-delà des frontières
    – assistance dépannage de tout type de vélo
    – en cas de panne (vélos électriques), crevaison, accident et vandalisme
    – choix du point de réparation en cas de remorquage
    – service “retour à la maison”
    – maximum 3 interventions par an / par personne
  • Cycling Vlaanderen: +32 (03) 253 61 82
    – Belgium
    – 30km away from the border in Luxemburg or in the Netherlands
    – 7 interventions / year
    – any type of bike (including electric bike until 45km/h)


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