We’ll be pleased to welcome riders on Sunday 18 September for this criterium powered by Glaive asbl in cooperation with Brussels Big Brackets, thanks to the support from the City of Brussels and from the Fédération Cycliste Wallonie-Bruxelles.
- Sunday 18 September
- Official FCWB race (cat. Open Reg) with the presence of race official, official stewards and the use of a lap counter system (MyLap)
- Open to everybody, women and men, skilled or not, licenced or not (in case you’ve got no UCI id., you can get a “one-day licence)
- Prior registration compulsory
Do not forget to pick-up your bib/race-number
You can pick up your number at the registration desk, located Avenue du Gros Tilleul (1200 Brussels – Laeken) from 11.30 until 13.30.
You can pick up your number at the registration desk, located Avenue du Gros Tilleul (1200 Brussels – Laeken) from 11.30 until 13.30.
No race number = no race!
Please take safety pins if you have some
- 12:00 : track open for practice
- 13:25 : Men Road B
- 14:25 : Fixed Gear B
- 15:20 : Men Road A
- 17:05 : Women Road
- 18:10 : Fixed Gear A
- 19:00 : end of races
- 19:15 : all podiums
September 18th is car-free Sunday in Brussels: no car is allowed from 9.30 to 19:00. Fortunately, our track is really closed to the city limits.
- If you arrive before 9:30 and leave after 19:00, you can park Avenue de l’Atomium.
- If you arrive after 9:30 you can park in the parking C – Brussels Expo (see below).
- You can find parking spots North of Chaussée Romaine. Everything South will be closed for car-free Sunday.
- Bike
Strongly recommended - Public transport
Tram 7 & 3, Metro 6, Bus 83 - Car
Take the A12, exit at “Strombeekbever” and follow “Brussels Expo – Parking C”

- length: 1300M
- 9 turns (6 left, 3 right)
- 100% asphalt
- wearing a helmet is mandatory
- you’ll race with a well-mainted bike
- you’ll be able to control your bike at the speed of your category and you’ll control your speed in the corners
- you will respect all the riders in your way of riding & talking
- you won’t put the others in danger during the race, you will hold your line, communicate and you won’t push other riders
- if the first rider is about to over-lap you, you must leave the race track (blue flag)
- in case of a crash, you must reduce your speed for the safety of everyone (yellow flag)
- you must stop the race if the race director decides so (red flag)
Rules for fixed gear races
- only track bike with a fixed gear hub and no brakes
- in the a-race, you must have a drop bar and clipless pedals
- in the b race, you can have the bar of your choice and a way to fix your feet to both pedals (clipless pedals or straps)
avec le soutien de :
et la participation de :