Come and join us if you dare!

BBB has created a section dedicated to long distance cycling. If you want to test your endurance limits and discover the world of long distances, join us ! We will attend several long distance rides throughout the year. 
We also organize a yearly BRM.


Join our WhatsApp group to fine-tune your personal calendar, find team-mates for collective events, hand out advice, plans, mechanical and material tips, or even to deal with logistical issues!


Among the main events our members will attend in 2024:

Direct link to the yearly Belgian BRMs calendar

👉 https://www.randonneurs.be/

You want to add an event you’ll take part in and maybe organize a BBB Team / Group ?

👉 Just tell us : longdistances@brusselsbigbrackets.eu


Any bike race or ride longer than a century ride, which is 100 miles (160 km), is sometimes considered to be ultra-distance cycling.

Long distances events can be divided in two main categories:


Audaxes are non-competitive: success in an event is measured by its completion. There is no ranking. Attending an Audax is called “randonneuring”.
In Belgium and France, Audaxes are called BRM. It stands for Brevets Randonneurs Mondiaux. BRM (or “Brevets”) are generally proposed in several distances: 200km, 300km, 400km, 600km and 1200 km.
BRM are overseen in Belgium by Randonneurs.be that proposes, under its banner, several events all year long. However, these rides are actually prepared and submitted for approval to Randonneurs.be by other clubs. Against this backdrop, BBB will propose its first BRM on April 22, 2023.
The Queen Bee of all Audaxes is the famous Paris-Brest-Paris (1200 km).


Contrary to BRMs, these are races. They are unsupported and are generally not divided into stages. They usually exceed 1.000 km.
The most well-known ultra-cycling races are, for example, the Transcontinental Race, RAAM, Biking Man, Race Across, French Divide…

Give it a try and begin small ! How do you feel after a +100km ride ?
If you still have energy, then you can try a 200 km. If you loved it you will then attend longer and longer rides.

No. Even if there are bikes geometry that are endurance oriented, any kind of road bike will do (28 mm tire is a good compromise).
Comfort is key. A small pain can become extremely problematic on the long run. Do not attend your first long distance ride on a new bike !

It is important to know that  most of long distances events are UNSUPPORTED. You will have to carry your food/drink and/or buy it on the go.
However, some Ultra cycling events can propose pit stops sometimes but these are exceptions.

Sleeping is an option 🙂
Long distance cycling events rarely propose accommodations. However, it happens that hotels or other kinds of sleeping facilities are indicated to attendees.
Generally, 200km, 300km and 400km events are completed within a day and do not require a sleeping rest. Sleeping becomes necessary and highly recommended as from 600km.


This group has been created to share an agenda, exchanging ideas and set a place where we can discuss logistics and car sharing. If you consider participating to longer rides, feel free to join. There is no obligation to actively attend a long distance ride. You will do it when you will feel ready!


Check-out what BBB “long distances” riders say about what long distances trully is!

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